Hi, I'm Eric!
Motivation is felt - we do what feels good, and the more aware we are of how things actually feel to do, the more we choose to do what feels good (before/during/after).
Now, there's a difference between what feels good before/during/after and what feels exciting before, good to the point of numbing during and bad after. The latter is a coping mechanism (some might say addiction - what I was doing in my binging). Coping mechanisms are great and serve a purpose (they insulate us from pain), but as you can imagine, they keep us from our fullest creative expression and from truly, unconditionally enjoying existence.
When you procrastinate, you're avoiding something - usually a feeling. The Big Shift is a 4-week course that shows you how to listen to these feelings so that they transform from obstacles to motivational signals.
Here's how it works:
- First, we create a daily check-in habit that focuses your attention on your emotions and existing motivations.
- Second, we look directly at the moment-to-moment experience of your actions, helping you understand what actions actually feel like (the long-game strategy for eliminating any need for "willpower" or "discipline").
- Third, we tie all of the collected experiential data you gather to a conceptual understanding of what I call The Big Shift. The Big Shift is the transition from looking outside yourself for motivation, meaning, and worth to finding it forever present within.
“We are all living in cages with the door wide open.” -George Lucas

Course Components:
- Course Content- All of the course content is available both in text form and unabridged audio form. You can pretty much take the course while you commute - or if you work from home, your morning routine!
- Daily Check-Ins- The experiential meat of the course is the daily check-in. It's a short (10 minute) daily focusing process that saves most people at least an hour a day, and in addition builds experiential understanding that the course references and highlights for exponential growth. Each check-in is guided by me in a unique 10 minute video. The daily check-ins start after you've completed the Week 1 material.

Why Free?:
I value this course at $300. Creating it felt like I was bleeding out onto my computer... maybe you've also created something that felt so important it was painful, but that is how writing this was for me.
That said, in my teens and early 20s I pirated at least a few books, audiobooks, and courses (😅). I think I justified this because I thought "personal growth material should be free," and I was annoyed at the high priced courses that promised the world but delivered temporary hype. I was also poor and cheap. Some of those things I pirated helped.
In any case, I guess I wasn't totally hypocritical as I do think material that helps people set themselves free should be free.
If it makes a substantial difference in your life, you're welcome to make a donation when you're done (I fund the ~$200/mo it takes to keep it running)- but if you give your best to the course and add to our growing community by showing up to a Motivation Mixer - that's more valuable to me than money.
The real goal here is to offer the "software" that unlocks people's true creative and loving potential.
Who is this course for?
This is for anyone who's looking to develop stronger and more sustainable intrinsic motivation. It is just as effective for those with "zero motivation" as it is for those who are "motivated" successful professionals.
This course will transform your experience of emotions and motivation - it liberates you from "shoulds" as you learn to use the energy inherent in your existing emotion to focus your attention - rather than continuing to suppress emotions to force yourself to do what you should do.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts as soon as you sign up! When you register you will receive a welcome email and you'll have access to the Introduction and Week 1 material.
Then, on the next Monday, you'll start with the daily check-ins (guided emotion-oriented day-planning videos which are emailed each morning).